Philippe Charron



  1. Home water? Québec, Canada.
  2. What 2-3 lines do you use the most and why? Anadro #89 – Atlantic Salmon : Versatility, long rear taper for extended line control and long-distance casting. Mastery Titan Long #910 – Bass and Pike : Loads quickly, biggest flies, ideal line for my boat. Sonar Titan H-2-4 – Muskies : Powerful head, triple density, easier pick-up.
  3. Where would you most like to fish? 
I would like to gain more saltwater experience and travel the Atlantic salmon rivers of the world.
  4. Two Truths and a Lie. 
 I am nicknamed the “fly fishing teacher” I stand out with my reading and fishing strategy and my talent for catching fish anywhere. I like to get up early to go fishing.